Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New (and refreshing) Start

For the 2009/2010 school year I accepted a new position as the teacher for the Live Oak Middle School E.D. teacher for Sutter County. This has been a highly rewarding and refreshing experience to work with so many individuals that are highly knowledgeable about students in special education. My first two years working with this population offered me great opportunities for growth and learning which I have been so happy to be able to put into effect in this position.

All of our students are able to define what it means to be academically engaged and are maintaining a B+ in behavior on average- fantastic growth. We have worked hard to help this group recognize their potential and empower them with an internal locus of control through mastery of simple things like multiplication, juggling, and push-ups. We are looking forward this last half of the year towards drastically improving our team cooperation and communication skills. We have developed a project to benefit Haiti (and subsequently strengthen our communication skills) which we are all greatly excited about.

I am highly interested in finding other E.D. programs that are showing such great progress and learning about interventions and tools that they use to find success. It is a desire of mine to compose a simple and straight forward book on how to best serve this population. This likely long term project is clearly a work in progress.

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